How to use manual stretch film?

Wrapping with manual stretch film is easy. However, it is worth starting this process with appropriate steps so that the goods are properly wrapped and the amount of waste is reduced to a minimum. Following this short instruction ensures that the goods are properly secured. Before you start wrapping with film, check that the load on the pallet is arranged evenly (the walls of the boxes are in one line) and that other elements do not protrude beyond the perimeter of the pallet. It is worth getting dispensers that will facilitate the wrapping process.

Starting wrapping with film!

Start wrapping with stretch film by tying the stretch film to the base of the pallet. This way, the material will have the proper grip, adhesion and stretch in the further process of securing the load.

Owijanie folią - początek

Start wrapping by tying the film to the base of the pallet.

Start wrapping the goods from the base of the load, making sure that the inner layer of the film is in contact with the wrapped goods. Make a smooth movement with the film to wrap the base of the pallet with the load. When securing the load, the film should be stretched to feel its resistance. The whole pallet should be wrapped several times, depending on the weight of the load and user preferences.

Owijanie folią stretch - podstawy.

The base of the load must be properly wrapped with stretch film. The films should be distributed with proper stretch.

The upper surface of the pallet is wrapped crosswise (diagonally) or by using an appropriate hood or membrane. 

Górną warstwę palety owijamy krzyżowo - po przekątnej.

The upper layer of the pallet is wrapped diagonally – crosswise.

The wrapping process is not complicated, but if you follow our suggestions, you can be sure that the goods will be properly secured and ready for further transport or storage. See the video below, where you can see in practice how to wrap a pallet with manual film.